Tuesday, October 30, 2007

CBC and new music

I haven't gotten any comments on this yet, but I still feel the need to make it clear right away. I am in no way associated with the CBC; I just have a major crush on it.

It just amazes me that I only discovered this radio station two years ago. I know I'm still pretty young, but still, everyone should be aware that the national broadcaster also broadcasts on the airwaves.

Don't have time to listen to the radio? Own a MP3 player? You can still take CBC with you, most shows being available as podcasts.

Just to prove to you that its worth listening to, I'll show you this. I discovered this while listening to the Radio 3 podcast with Grant Lawrence today. I also discovered this. And, although some of you might already know of this, I wasn't aware it existed. So there you go, three great finds in one podcast. You should now be convinced of the importance of listening to anything produced by the CBC. After all, if you're Canadian, you are paying for it.

I'll tell two other secrets that aren't so secret before I let you go:

1. Lions love CBC. No one knows why, but I think its because lions are just that cool.
2. On this station, you'll never hear advertising. Never!

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