Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I'm not a church going man by any means. I just never felt any need for it. So, since I've been about twelve, I only attend mass for funerals, and, every five years or so, for weddings. I must admit though that sometimes the messages posted outside churches are quite inspiring.

The following one has been stuck into my mind lately:

I love the recklessness of faith. First you leap, then you grow wings. (William Sloane Coffin)

Despite the quote's clear reference to angels, I don't apply it to religion at all. Rather, I see it as a reflection on everyday life, and on the feeling you get after taking such a leap.

Leaping, of course, is never easy, no matter how much you believe that things will work out, but once you start to grow feathers, you get this urge to leap even more.

I've been taking my own leaps lately, sometimes throwing myself into the unknown, sometimes catching the ledge at the last minute and feeling sad and grounded for the next few days, hoping for another opportunity. I still can't fly, but I know someday I'll reach the clouds.

Lion taming tip # 6

Get yourself a chair, preferably one that's light and sturdy. Not only will you be able to sit comfortably when you get tired (we're talking lions here, you're gonna work up a sweat), you'll also have something to tease the lion with instead of your arms.

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