Monday, November 5, 2007


Ever get the impression that Life, yes Life with a capital L, is laughing at you in your face?
I say laugh right back at it.

The level of Zen I'm demonstrating these days by not getting angry in highly frustrating situations is so amazing that I could start levitating soon and not be surprised at all by it.

I'm discovering more flaws with my apartment almost every week, but am still determined to stay at least a year because I hate moving and I also hate the expenses that come with this highly overrated activity.

For a couple of years now, the only things that could get me really depressed was moving into a new apartment and large purchases that left me unsatisfied. Today, I'm proud to say that, with the help of my lovely girlfriend, I'm getting used to the idea that an apartment is only a temporary living area after all, and that I really shouldn't worry too much about the small things I don't like about it.

With just one thing left to throw me into depression, I think I can laugh with life, I know in a couple of years I'll be laughing at all the irritating things I'm living right now anyways…

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