Monday, December 24, 2007

Buses, trains and automobiles

I find myself apologizing once again to you, dear surfers for my infrequent posts. These are busy times and I don't find myself in front of a screen very often.

But on this glorious afternoon, time I have.

I find myself in New-Brunswick once again, for the fourth time this year. Fifth if you take into account that I left from my last Christmas trip after New Year's. This time, I did not come by car because driving for 11 hou rs straight in weather that always gets stormy when I need to such a trip just isn't as fun as it used to be.

This year, I took the bus to the train station and I took the train, or the train station as a cute little four year old kept calling it, to New-Brunswick. Assuming that you're able to sleep in a seat that is definitely not designed for that purpose, the train is a great alternative to taking the plane. You roll at night so you don't lose any daytime, and it's much cheaper.

Upon arriving here, my mom picked me up and I started the car leg of my journey. It lasted five minutes and was uneventful.

So there you have it friends. Buses, trains and automobiles. A trip that started at 1:50 yesterday afternoon and ended at 9:30 this morning.

Stay tuned for a report on the Ottawa stop of the Vinyl Cafe Christmas's tour. If you didn't see it, start regretting it now, it'll save you some time.

Happy holidays everyone.

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