Friday, September 21, 2007


Shaving is a part of everyday life for most men. Some try to get it over with as quickly as possible, and some, like the author of this blog, have chosen to get back to the methods of old and have discarded their multi-blade instrument and their can of foam in favor of a good old safety razor, a soap and a shaving brush. Of course, shaving using the methods of old takes much more time, but it is such an enjoyable time that those who do it really don't mind setting aside an additional ten or twenty minutes to get rid of their facial hair.

But what if you want that truly luxurious shave? The one only a trained barber can offer you. Well, you better not find yourself wanting that sort of a shave when you're visiting a little town in northeastern New-Brunswick. In this town, which shall remain nameless, not one, but two barbers told yours truly that in their barbershop, you cannot get your beard shaved. So there you have it, I am astonished and still bearded.

I'll take care of the beard later on today with the methods of old, hoping that I will be able to have a taste of luxury once I've made my way back to the city.

Oh yeah, and tonight, I strongly encourage you to have a drink to H. and R., who will take the vows of marriage today at 7:30 pm, Atlantic time.

Until next time, take care of yourselves my dear friends of the Web.


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